Clinical Judgement of GDX vcc versus GDX gss in the detection of nerve fibre layer thinning for glaucoma patients
Anna Sclavos, BappSc (Orth) MHSc (Syd) B.Optom
Julia Kelly, DOBA MHSM
Kirsty Somerville-McAlester, BMedScOrthoptics (Hons)
Gwen Stead, DOBA
The aim of this preliminary study was to compare retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thinning in patients with either established or suspected glaucoma using the two nerve fibre analysers (GDx gss and GDx vcc) manufactured by Laser Diagnostics Technologies Inc (San Diego). The results obtained were compared with conventional clinical dada of 33 patients attending glaucoma clinic. The results demonstrated that both analysers were useful for detecting RNFL loss in established glaucoma and have a positive correspondence with conventional clinical data. The GDx vcc was superior in detecting RNFL loss, which corresponded with the clinical data in 23% of glaucoma suspects compared with a lesser outcome from the original GDx gss. However, from the results there is a significant possibility that 41% of glaucoma suspects may go undetected irrespective of which GDx analyser is used.