Microtropia – A challenge to conventional treatment strategies
Melinda Symyniuk, B.App.Sc. (Orthoptics)Hons.
Kirsteen Henderson, B.Sc.Orthoptics Glasgow
A sample of members of the Orthoptic Association of Australia, practising within Sydney was surveyed. The members surveyed were selected at random and represent a cross section of the Sydney metropolitan Orthoptic ‘workforce’. The survey pertained to occlusion management of primary microtropia. The survey aimed at examining modes of current Orthoptic practice and pinpointing Orthoptic opinion regarding the outcome of visual acuity standards achieved in primary Microtropia. This paper includes reference to both past and present literature sources and documented research. Multiple authors, each with their specifically defined classifications are cited in the literature dating back to the 1950’s, as having identified a unique non paralytic strabismus “phenomenon”, which is now termed Microtropia. In conclusion, this paper aims at provoking a renewed interest in a well-established phenomenon; in addition to providing an altered view of management protocols and treatments outcomes in primary Microtropia.