A Comparison of Contrast Sensitivity between People with a Colour Vision Defect and those with Normal Colour Vision
Melissa Buffrey, BappSc(Orth)
Jasmyne Vassar, BappSc(Orth)
Neryla Jolly, DOBA(T) MA(Macq)
Rob Heard, BA PhD
This study tested the prediction that people with reduced colour vision would show improved contrast sensitivity, as a compensatory adaptation. Twenty eyes with normal colour responses on the Farnsworth-Munsell 38 Hue test and the Ishihara test, and twenty-five eyes which showed colour vision defects on these tests, were compared on the Vectorvision CSV 1000 contrast sensitivity test. The prediction was not supported by the data. Eyes with colour vision defects showed reduced contrast sensitivity for lower spatial frequencies. This effect was strongest in eyes with more severe colour defects. Colour vision defects were not related to contrast sensitivity for higher spatial frequencies. Increased age and reduced visual acuity predicted poorer contrast sensitivity at higher spatial frequencies.