A Survey of the Clinical Evaluation of Stereopsis in Australian Orthoptics
R.A.Neill, B.Sc.(Hons)
A questionnaire which was intended to assess the relative importance of stereopsis evaluation in Australian orthoptics was sent to 189 orthoptists. This preliminary report analyses the answers given on the first seventy-one replies. Ninety-four percent of the replies stated that the orthoptist routinely tested stereopsis, the tests used included the Wurt-Titmus, synoptophore-based, TNO, Frisby and Lang Pen tests. The tests which were nominated as most frequently used were the Wirt-Titmus (54% of replies) and synoptophore-based stereotests (42% of replies). The test which was regarded as most reliable was the TNO test (50% of those who knew of the test). Efficient evaluation of stereopsis was regarded as important or very important by 95% of the replying orthoptists.